Design Your Shed
This interactive APP helps you to design your shed in 3D and provide the design information to us to quote the project accurately and easily. Input as much detail as you can initially and hit the quote button and your design will be emailed to us and generally we will get back to you the next day with a quote or a call if we require further information. Input roller doors, personal access doors, windows, add lean-tos and much more. In the APP you can include colours to give you a representation of how the building will look and to show the potential contrasts although you will have an opportunity prior to ordering to change or confirm the building colours. The APP is very good but if you find it is not quite doing what you need your shed to be, gets it as close as you can and we can finalise any additional details on the phone.
Our new indoor display in Carrum Downs has a few sheds and a carport for you the view our construction methods and the quality of our designs. In our display we have all the colours on display either in the display buildings or on our large colour wall. We also have Colorbond colour tabs for you to take home and compare against the current colours at your property. We pride ourselves as having a great display with information for the purchaser to make an informed decision, you can see the standard of our work and the cleanliness of our site which gives you an understanding of the pride we have in our business, workplace and product we deliver.
Over the years we have become aware of buildings which are not compliant with the building code of Australia (BCA). Purchasing a BCA compliant building is important because you can be assured that it is designed to withstand the forces of a storm event which you may find you are not insured for in the event of collapse or failure due to under engineering. We don’t use C100 sections for columns or rafters (except for tiny garden sheds) in our buildings, we use C150 and onwards which are 50% wider than a C100. Some companies may use them in the end walls or on lean-tos to cheapen the kit. Ask for a copy of the buildings computations or engineering calculations. Any company that can’t provide this document is not giving you the evidence it is designed to meet the BCA and ShedSafe standards.
When shopping for a new shed, it’s important to choose a well-known brand. There have been many examples of retail shed businesses not delivering kits and later declaring bankruptcy or trading while insolvent. A good place to start is with a local supplier who operates a store where you can meet the people who run the store and get a better feel of who you are dealing with and how professional they are. Most examples of businesses closing are online businesses with low overheads and even lower margins.